Editorial board

Editor in chief

Editor in chief
Claudio Radaelli
Professor of Comparative Public Policy

European University Institute

Associate editors

Associate editors
Nikolaos Zahariadis

Rhodes College

Associate editors
B. Guy Peters

University of Pittsburgh

Associate editors
Michelle Morais de Sa e Silva
Wick Cary Associate Professor of International and Area Studies

The University of Oklahoma

Associate editors
Jose Luis Mendez

El Colegio de México

Associate editors
Evangelia Petridou
Associate Professor in Political Science

NTNU Social Research and Mid Sweden University

Associate editors
Valesca Lima

Dublin City University

Associate editors
Lydie Cabane
Senior Assistant Professor

Leiden University

Associate editors
Bishoy Zaki

Ghent University

Associate editors
Nick Turnbull
Senior Lecturer in Politics

University of Manchester

Forum editors

Forum editors
Philippe Zittoun
Research Professor

ENTPE - Ecole de l'aménagement durable des territoires

Book Review Editor

Book Review Editor
Evangelia Petridou
Associate Professor in Political Science

NTNU Social Research and Mid Sweden University

Book Review Editor
Valesca Lima
National University of Ireland, Maynooth

National University of Ireland, Maynooth

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